To set a specific page as the homepage in Blogger using the Custom Redirects option, follow these step-by-step instructions:
How to set any post or page as Homepage?
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Sign in to Blogger:
Go to []( and sign in with your Google account.
2. Select Your Blog:
- From the list of your blogs, select the one where you want to set a page as the homepage.
3. Create the Page:
- If you haven't already created the page you want to set as the homepage, do so now:
- Go to "Pages" in the left sidebar.
- Click on "New Page".
- Create your page and publish it.
4. Copy the Page URL:
- Go to "Pages" again and find the page you created.
- Click on "View" to open the page.
- Copy the URL of this page from the browser's address bar.
5. Set Up Custom Redirects:
- Go to "Settings" in the left sidebar.
-Scroll down to the "Errors and redirects" section.
- Click on "Custom Redirects".
- Click on "New Redirect".
6. Create a Redirect:
- In the "From" field, enter `/` (this represents the homepage).
- In the "To" field, paste the URL of the page you copied earlier, excluding the domain part (e.g., if the URL is ``, enter `p/page.html`).
- Check the box for "Permanent".
- Click "Save".
7. Confirm Changes:
- Make sure the redirect is listed under Custom Redirects.
- If everything is correct, visitors to your blog's main URL will now be redirected to the specified page.
-Let's say your blog is ``.
-Your page URL is ``.
- In the "From" field, enter `/`.
- In the "To" field, enter `p/about.html`.
By following these steps, you can successfully set a specific page as your homepage using the Custom Redirects option in Blogger.
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